Factice Magazine session masterfully captured by photographer John Cubillan features showstopping styling from the London based fashion stylist Christopher Maul. Taking the spotlight is the gorgeous Melinda Szepesi at Union Models, while the hair styling was handled by hair stylist Roger Cho using Fudge, and makeup by makeup artist Tabby Casto using Mac Cosmetics.
Christopher Maul is also Design Scene‘s fashion editor, and you can follow him on instagram @styleofmaul. Christopher has selected for On The Beach Again story pieces from Issey Miyake, Annabelle, Antipodium, and Kilian Kerner to name a few.

Photography Assistant: Arielle Francis
Stylist Assistant: Elliot Wynn
Retoucher: Kristiana Klekmane.
For more of John’s work log on to: www.johncubillan.com