The beautifully vibrant collection of Japanese designer Atsushi Nakashima took the runway of the ongoing Milan Fashion Week. Bomber Jacket which is the rage of the runways for past six season, the least, finds an original interpretaion by Nakashima who shapes the must have pieces with Japanese traditional wear in mind. The colours are bright and almost season contradicting, yet offer a head turning display of feminism powering through the Milanese runway.
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Nakashima has graduated at the Nagoya Fashion College in 2001 and has the 20th Onward Fashion Grand Prix acknowledgment under his belt. This breakthrough designer has closely collaborated with Jean Paul Gaultier working as the iconic designer’s assistant. He was in charge of the french designers JPG diffusion collections till his return to Japan in 2011, when he started to develop his eponymous line.
The runway also offered a glimpse into the designer’s menswear collection with an original take on a denim jacket jumpsuit and a total-black outfit standing out from the men’s designs.
Discover more than thirty new looks by Atsushi Nakashima after the jump:
Words by Katarina Djoric, all images courtesy of ATSUSHI NAKASHIMA