TV show: Make Me A Supermodel (BravoTV)
Models: Ronnie, Holly, Ben, Casey, Frankie, Perry, Jacki and Shannon
Hosted by Niki Taylor and Tyson Beckford
Photography by Bill Diodato
Up for the vote: Ronnie, Casey and Ben
Website: Make Me A Supermodel
This is Episode 9 of season 1, the models learn about brand management when they get a chance to work with a high-profile label. Frankie was sent home.
Being that there was no photoshoot, in episode 9, the photos above are from episode 7, “into the wild” shoot by Bill Diodato. Rest of the shoot: Casey, Ben, Perry and Frankie. I merged myself the photos above.
Being that there was no photoshoot, in episode 9, the photos above are from episode 7, “into the wild” shoot by Bill Diodato. Rest of the shoot: Casey, Ben, Perry and Frankie. I merged myself the photos above.