Model: Sam Way |Models 1 (mother), Why Not, Mega-Hamburg| + unknown
Photography by Jens Schmidt
Up and coming model Sam Way in a shoot by photographer Jens Schmidt, that seems to be new years eve themed… Therefor, I will use this feature to wish a happy new year and marry belated or in some cases upcoming Christmas to all of Design Scene readers. In 2008 for the 1st time Design Scene passed a 1 000 000 readers mark, ATM each month over 250 000 pages are viewed on the blog, thank you for all the support, thanks to our readers and a huge number of artists, architects, photographers, editors, stylists… that submitted their amazing work to be shared with our readers. Once again, thank you all! Have a happy new 2009. Images: MH
happy new year
happy new year
have a nice one
have a nice one
happy new year
happy new year
I asked Jens Schmidt, this is not sam way!!!
I asked Jens Schmidt, this is not sam way!!!