Project: Rapid Palace
Deseigned by Visiondivision |Anders Berensson & Ulf Mejergren|
Website: www.visiondivision.com
Visiondivision (Anders Berensson & Ulf Mejergren) got a commission to transform a quite boring schoolyard into a more playful one. As the school already has a budget for asphalt maintenance we decided to use this as our main tool for the improvement of the yard. Ale is a neighbourhood with a lot of social housing and people from all over the world. The place is in itself quite uninspiring and we wanted to give these kids a schoolyard to be proud of and to boost their imagination.
April: A pattern combined from plans of palaces from all over the world is created by tearing away parts of the existing asphalt. The price for placing new asphalt or tearing away old one is similar. Fast growing Salix (Swedish bamboo) are planted in the new voids.
August: As the kids start school again they will have a palace made from walls of Salix that already has reached half their length of four meters.
25 years later: It is now wise to harvest the Salix and ship it as eco fuel to the nearby heating plant or can become furniture for the new castle that will rise for the next generation of kids.
The palace has different halls in various sizes and ground materials to stimulate an active playground. Some of the halls have educational purposes, where classes can be held outside if the weather permits. The future of the school yard is still undecided. Courtesy of Visiondivision.