Magazine: DayFour
Issue: #7
Contributors: Alexander Binder, Bettina Koller, Luisa Santos, Aleksander Bochenek, Natalie Kriwy, Esther Teichmann, Felix Brandl, Stephen Ledger-Lomas, Alys Tomlinson, Robert Burton, Lina Persson, Jens Utzt + Florian Emberger, Hin Chua, Kate Pollard, Jan Von Holleben, Gigi Cifali, Vjollca Richard, Heath Wicks, Dayna Clark, Ben Roberts, Vikky Wilkes, William Greiner, Missy Roll, Kaitlin Wilson-Bryant, Kelly Hill, Julieta Sans, Adela Holmes, Bruno Santos
Design Scene is honored to present the new issue of art photography magazines DayFour, featuring some of the most unique art photography contributors on the scene. Dayfour is printed digitally in very small, numbered, limited editions, and its produced annually with a lot of thought in every print issue. Click below to view few more previews from DayFour #7: