Magazine: V Magazine
Issue: #63
Editorial: V Love U Just The Way U R
Makeup: Pep Gay (Streeters)
Hair: Nicolas Jurnjack for Cutler Salon and Redken
Models: Kate Kosushkina (Supreme), Ben Bellucci, Vladimir Ivanov (Wilhelmina), Dan Felton, Frey Mudd (Red), Inga Eiriksdottir, AJ Abualrub (Ford NY), Regina Feoktistova (Women), Eniko Mihalik, Constance Jablonski (Marilyn), Tao Okamoto, Reina Montero, Elle King (IMG), Martin Cohn (DNA), Guillaume Boulez, Brendon James Porter, Ladyfag, Scotty Simmons, Amy Morse
Styling by Jay Massacret
Photographer by Terry Tsiolis
Website: www.vmagazine.com
Embracing the curves with V Magazine for their Size Issue, Terry Tsiolis gives us "V Love U Just The Way U R". Tall, Thin, Short, Curvy, Punk, Prep, Dom, Deb. Whoever you are, and whoever you want to be, we’re with you all the way! Continue for more after the jump:
Issue: #63
Editorial: V Love U Just The Way U R
Makeup: Pep Gay (Streeters)
Hair: Nicolas Jurnjack for Cutler Salon and Redken
Models: Kate Kosushkina (Supreme), Ben Bellucci, Vladimir Ivanov (Wilhelmina), Dan Felton, Frey Mudd (Red), Inga Eiriksdottir, AJ Abualrub (Ford NY), Regina Feoktistova (Women), Eniko Mihalik, Constance Jablonski (Marilyn), Tao Okamoto, Reina Montero, Elle King (IMG), Martin Cohn (DNA), Guillaume Boulez, Brendon James Porter, Ladyfag, Scotty Simmons, Amy Morse
Styling by Jay Massacret
Photographer by Terry Tsiolis
Website: www.vmagazine.com
Embracing the curves with V Magazine for their Size Issue, Terry Tsiolis gives us "V Love U Just The Way U R". Tall, Thin, Short, Curvy, Punk, Prep, Dom, Deb. Whoever you are, and whoever you want to be, we’re with you all the way! Continue for more after the jump:
*Images courtesy of V Magazine
Those abs on that guy… ARE RIDICULOUS.
Those abs on that guy… ARE RIDICULOUS.