Look Book/Campaign: Balmain Homme
Season: FW 2010.11
Designer: Christophe Decarnin
Photographer: Karim Sadli
Website: www.balmain.com
After two noted menswear collections Chrisophe Decarnins continues his Balman Homme lines with Fall Winter design rightfully reflecting on his personal aesthetic. In charge of the promo images is once again Karim Sadli, you can view more of this perfectly executed look book after the jump:
Season: FW 2010.11
Designer: Christophe Decarnin
Photographer: Karim Sadli
Website: www.balmain.com
After two noted menswear collections Chrisophe Decarnins continues his Balman Homme lines with Fall Winter design rightfully reflecting on his personal aesthetic. In charge of the promo images is once again Karim Sadli, you can view more of this perfectly executed look book after the jump: