Murakami Versailles
The noted exhibition of Murakami's work at Versailles is captured in a wonderful photo book, exhibition ended only a week ago and you can view more images we previously featured HERE. To find out more about the book continue after the jump for a description by Colette.
Murakami Versailles is a book recounting the wonderful time that saw the Palace of Versailles revive one of the artists of his time during a walk that made rediscover the places known and unknown of the domain. On the same principle as "Jeff Koons Versailles", this book follows the radical principle of the exhibition : a work of art, a room. Its publication led to an exceptional photographic campaign, in unique conditions, during the time of installation of the pieces. The eye of the photographer was able to penetrate into the heart of each sculpture, under unique angles and sometimes inaccessible to visitors of the exhibition. – from Colette
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