Power Play story captured marvelously by Jim Wright (Atelier Management) with the gorgeous Kristina T (Trump Models) joined by Nikola B (Elite Models). Empowering styling is courtesy of Emma Pritchard (Bernstein & Andriulli), hair by Ted Gibson and makeup by Hector Simancas. Manicure Julie Kandaelc.
“I envisioned something ‘Wall Street’-esque – as in the movie,” said the stylist. “I pulled double-breasted jackets so he would resemble a Gordon Gekko figure. I made sure there was plenty of tweed and pinstripe, and different colors and textures.” Pritchard paid close attention to the accessories; each frame contains a different pocket square, pair of cuff links, statement watch, leather belt, or briefcase. “It was so many components, but I went over-the-top because the man is typically a prop in fashion stories and I wanted him to take the lead and for the woman to balance it out.“
Pritchard also selected Tiffany’s recently-released Atlas jewelry collection, featured in these striking photos. “She wore some great watches, as well,” Pritchard noted. “I wanted her to have a lot of range and not to be a boring corporate person … to show menswear as womenswear and not only ‘power dressing,’ with a slit up the side of a dress and a jacket on top. I think a man’s suit on a woman is just as sexy.”
Website: www.ateliermanagement.com + ba-reps.com