The promising fresh face Olivia represented by 2pm Management in Denmark teams up with fashion photographer Anthony James Giura for a fresh portfolio update and takes the time to answer DESIGN SCENE’s Q&A.
Read an exclusive interview with Danish stunner bellow:

How were you discovered?
My mom and I were at a cafe when I was 12 and I got spotted by an agent from my previous agency.
What was your first modelling job?
I did a look book for an exclusive Danish fashion brand called AIAYU. They make fantastic clothing made from organic wool from Bolivia. I actually still make their look book every half year.
Dream job: who would you like to work with
Tom Ford and Calvin Klein would be the coolest.

Growing up, did you always want to be a model
I never really considered it…. I guess planning isn’t really my thing, I take things as they come. So it was kind of a surprise when I got spotted.
Ultimate fashion Icon
Kate Moss
Favorite Danish Model
Veneda Budny. i love her look and style. She’s like the ‘ghetto version’ of Kiera Knightly.
Describe your personal style
Natural and clean. My style reflects my personality and I choose clothes that I feel comfortable wearing. Im into vintage combined with the new Scandinavian fashion brands like Wood Wood, Weekday and Storm CPH.

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your closet?
My navy blue bomber jacket that I got from a Copenhagen Vintage store. Its so comfortable and it goes with most of my wardrobe.
What music are you listening to at the moment
I’m listening to many different kinds of music. I grew up listening to 90’s R&B and HipHop, and I love classic artists like Mase and Aaliyah. I’m also a really big fan of Frank Ocean – I love his voice and cant wait for his new album to drop.
Any guilty pleasures?
Definitely white chocolate, I really love that.
Do you have any philosophy to live by?
Focus on human values over materialistic ones. Keep it nice and simple

What else are you interested in, aside from fashion?
Music, my education, traveling the world.
Where do you see yourself in the future?
Based in Copenhagen and exploring the world. Intellectually and geographically.
Your tip for taking the best picture
Be yourself and keep it professional
How do you stay in shape
I love staying in shape, so I run a lot and just try to stay active. I also love to dance, which is something that I pretty much do everywhere and all the time. Besides from that I try to eat clean and healthy. I’m an extreme mango addict, so i eat that a lot as well.

Do you have a signature fragrance?
Not really – it varies.
What are the beauty products that you can’t live without?
Homemade saltwater spray for my hair and my lip cure from Tromborg.
What is your beauty routine
I use Kiehl’s cleanser and moisturizer every night and morning. I also drink aloe vera juice that helps my skin stay clean.
What is your favorite makeup style?
I like to use a mineral powder from Jane Iredale and I brush my eyebrows, that’s about it. I try to keep my makeup to a minimum and prefer to look natural and healthy.

Website: www.anthonyjamesgiura.tumblr.