Discover Cornerstone installation by Sun Yun presented at Ryodan Showroom in Paris. Architecture and clothing both exist to meet the human need for space and security.
China. Rebirth. Architecture. One of the most prestigious practitioners in the field of contemporary architectural design, with over twenty years at the cutting edge of the industry, on multiple occasions, he and his firm have been recognized by the China Construction Industry Association as “Architecture firm and designer of the year “ and have also been featured by the US Architectural Digest as one of the top 100 design firms in the world. Yun has been inspired by the finest details in life in a personal way and in his design sensibilities, often using the old to create the new. The brand is based conceptually in the idea of rebirth, creating new garments by utilizing the old, in order to create a unique and original product. The brand redefines and reuses vintage and antique Chinese design and fabrics, truly standing out from other contemporary product we are exposed to everyday. – from Sun Yun
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