Renowned Parisian designer and architect Joseph Dirand was enlisted to design the lavish Saint James Apartment in Paris with a touch of his contemporary sentiment. The masterfully designer apartment houses carefully curated furniture items, while the design itself describes Dirand’s own signature. Adding a special touch is the myriad of rare marble placements, such as the fireplace, as well as the bathroom, which is the favourite material of the architect.
Besides interior apartment projects, Dirand also works closely with fashion labels, with clients such as Pucci, Givency and Balenciaga among other who enlisted the architect and his practice on projects such as showroom and store renovations.
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About the architect: Dirand is sensitive and visionary, he took life by the horns the minute he graduated from the Paris-Belleville architecture school. His first commission, a house in India, became his graduate project. He opened his own firm straight away, motivated by the ambition to express himself and the need to get started, “creation was a need”. He evokes his masters: Le Corbusier’s for his commitment, John Pawson for his minimalism, Peter Zumthor for his timelessness and modesty, Carlo Scarpa for his precision, Eero Saarinen for his global vision. “I love minimalist architecture, the precise, clear vocabulary and the detail”. He plans his projects as both environmental and architectural endeavors. Dirand’s precise commitment has borne fruit. He works constantly, on projects of varying sizes. Architecture and interiors have confirmed his signature style. The quality of his design and his masterful space management have made him stand out from the crowd in France and abroad. His “French touch” is highly appreciated in places where an “art de vivre” is of the utmost importance. A number of hotels and restaurants, luxury fashion houses and private residences have been marked with the seal of his incomparable elegance.
For more projects by Joseph Dirand architecture practice visit