The renowned Fashion and Design School based in Shoreditch, Istituto Marangoni London, unveils Under The Light, an exclusive event to showcase the work of its 10 best Fashion Design graduates.
We are very proud of being able to work with such international and talented students every day. Internationality and industry-led training are the signature marks of our teaching method, and the high standards of our students’ work in today’s fashion show definitely reflects that. However, our role as a school is not only to train and nurture their curiosity and creativity, but also to celebrate their work. “Under The Light” today celebrates the creative and business acumen of our graduates, who demonstrate the ability to express themselves with an eye for contemporary industry needs. – Charlotte Gorse, Istituto Marangoni London School Director
Our Group is committed in offering state-of-the-art training in the fields of Fashion, Art, Design. Our peculiarity is to be able to merge the craftsmanship and attention to detail that characterise the ‘Made In Italy’ with a ‘glocal’ attention to fashion trends and to cultural diversity. Today our fashion show reflects all these elements, featuring the uniqueness of creative London at the same time. – Roberto Riccio, Istituto Marangoni Group CEO
The performance takes place in the well-known Bankside Vaults, welcoming an audience of fashion professionals, including press and industry experts. Taking inspiration from the concept of light as a symbol of new beginning, the 10 collections showcased in a hybrid performance, merging a traditional catwalk with a static presentation. The visionary use of light, along with the minimalist set-up of the venue and its fascinating vaults, create a dreamlike atmosphere enhancing the colours, details and silhouettes of the School’s 10 best Womenswear collections. – from Istituto Marangoni London
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