Beautiful People presented womenswear collection entitled Side C during the recently finished Paris Fashion Week. The Spring Summer 2019 collection explores the metamorphic process of dressmaking, construction and reconstruction, using natural fabrics and colors.
In between. Inward getting outward while front gets to back, and vice versa. Endlessly, like a puzzle being solved and unsolved, finding that solutions are the solution, expanding possibilities. Multiplicity as the art of not being one thing. An earthy wardrobe of transformative pieces open to numberless transformations. Dresses that wrap and morph. Jackets getting peeled, coats being sliced. Side C. An interplay of twisting and turning, lacing and unlacing, lining and un-lining. The process is reversible rather than irreversible, fluid rather than static. No need to be A or B, but a quest to be both or neither. The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end. Constructing and reconstructing, exploring the metamorphic process of dressmaking as countless ways to wear a piece, freeing the individual. An easy, natural game. Natural fabrics. Natural colors. Natural light. Organic earthiness of materials: dyed with wine, shrunken with salt, absorbing the process onto the surface and in the fibers. From A to C and from C to B. Endlessly. A way to look at classics that makes them look extraordinary. A way to move forward and create something new. – from Beautiful People
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