Discover MIU MIU‘s More Holiday 2018 video campaign starring actress Elle Fanning and models Eniola Abioro, Olivia Anakwa, Olivia Forte, Lucan Gillespie and Oumie Jammeh created by director Gordon von Steiner.
“Desires, obsessions, passions. The needs and loves of the Miu Miu girl – her fashion fantasies, her daydreams – inspire a filmic short in celebration of the holiday period.
An alternate Miu Miu world – a magic ’Miu-niverse’ created by director Gordon von Steiner – is an ode to mid-century art-house and avant-garde movies, a wild choreography of colour and light, intense and illusory, a Miu Miu mania. Impressionistic, abstract, it is peopled with cinematic homages and aesthetic memories, a polychromatic reverie.”