Creative Director Alessandro Michele presented Gucci Resort 2021 collection as a 12-hour livestream staged at the glorious Renaissance-era Palazzo Sacchetti in Rome.
Named Epilogue, the Narrative Feature is directed by Akinola Davies Jr, with art direction by Christopher Simmonds. The video features work by digital artist Geoffrey Lillemon and interviews with creative director Alessandro Michele, photographer Alex Soth and directors of the campaign Damiano D’Innocenzo and Fabio D’innocenzo.

This is my experiment. Narrating it this way, and presenting it this way, to the press, to the outside world, looking inside the mechanism of an advertising campaign, like a peeping Tom.
– Alessandro Michele

Members of the Gucci design office and other teams of the House became the models for this collection. The clothes will be worn by those who created them. The designers with whom, every day, I share the daze of creation, will become the performers of a new story. – said Michele. They will seize the poetry they contributed to mould. They will stage what we passionately imagined. It’s a process of role reversal, once more. – he added.

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