In search of a covetable Chanel bag? Perhaps a popular classic or a limited edition find? With concerns surrounding authenticity, many consumers are skeptical about buying Chanel bags online. We’ve put together a guide to help you buy authentic Chanel designs online with confidence.
Chanel famously does not sell its bags online so for long it’s been assumed that you can only buy authentic Chanel bags from one of the house’s boutiques. But this is simply not true. The rise of the online luxury resale market means Chanel fans can now purchase pre-owned Chanel bags online. But many customers are still left unsure of where to buy bags by Chanel on the internet which they can trust are 100% authentic. Moreover, consumers are increasingly looking for bags from Chanel which are more accessible in terms of price and want to make purchasing decisions which are better for the environment. With the growth of the luxury resale market, more people than ever before are buying luxury bags online. In recent years, there’s been an emergence of many online luxury resale platforms. This allows consumers to buy into the Chanel brand for a more accessible price and in a way which supports the circular fashion economy.
Buying Chanel bags online certainly has its advantages in terms of price and the selection of products on offer. However, there are numerous pitfalls to avoid when shopping for Chanel styles online. There are certain dos and don’ts to follow in order to ensure authenticity, transparency, and a good price.
What Chanel bags can you buy online?
An extensive selection of Chanel bags are available to buy online. The online luxury resale market is not bound by the seasonal collections in the same way that the Chanel boutiques are. This means there is a wide array of Chanel bags available across a range of collections, new and old. Popular Chanel styles still sold new in the boutiques today can be found online for significantly cheaper, such as the Classic Flap, Deauville Tote and Chanel Boy. Rare and vintage Chanel handbags are also available online. Obtaining a limited edition Chanel bag can often feel like an impossible undertaking. However, many online platforms offer pre-owned limited edition bags spanning different decades and collections.
Make sure authenticity is guaranteed
You will find many advertisements to buy Chanel bags online. However, when dealing with luxury, authenticity is everything. The majority of sites claiming to sell bags are actually attempting to sell you counterfeit goods. Sites such as eBay are flooded with listings of supposed bags by Chanel. However, the e-commerce platform has become infamous for selling fake Chanel bags, with many customers reporting that they were scammed when trying to buy authentic Chanel designs on the site. Unless your purchase comes with an authenticity guarantee, you cannot be sure that your Chanel bag is genuine. When buying Chanel bags online, there should be no room for error where authenticity is concerned.
Know exactly what you’re buying
It is crucial to ensure that you know exactly what Chanel bag you are purchasing when opting to buy online. Some sites describe the Chanel bags they sell inaccurately. Make sure that the name and color of the bag listed in the description matches the pictures on display. It is also important that the price set for the bag is fair and in line with the market value.
The Increasing Value of a Chanel Bag
The value of an authentic Chanel bag has been rising significantly over the years, making it not just a coveted fashion accessory, but also an investment asset. Several factors contribute to this surge in value.
The brand’s historical significance and legacy play an integral role in the valuation of Chanel bags. Founded in 1910 by Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel, the brand has consistently upheld its reputation for elegance, quality, and timeless style, all contributing to the desirability and hence, the value of its products. Chanel’s craftsmanship and the quality of materials used are unmatched. Every Chanel bag is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, often involving hours of laborious handiwork. The high-quality leather, hardware, and unique elements like the signature quilted design or the interlocking CC logo, ensure the bag’s longevity and aesthetic appeal, boosting its resale value.
Another factor driving up the value is Chanel’s strategy of scarcity. The brand purposefully produces limited quantities of each style, particularly for its iconic models like the Classic Flap or the 2.55, to maintain an aura of exclusivity. This controlled supply, coupled with high demand, inevitably results in an increase in market value.
Also noteworthy is the brand’s periodic price increases, a trend that has contributed to a consistent rise in the value of Chanel pieces over the years. As new bags become more expensive, older models retain and even increase their worth, particularly well-maintained vintage pieces or rare collector’s items. The growth of the luxury resale market has also played a role in escalating the value of Chanel bags. With the rise of authenticated resale platforms, buyers are more confident in purchasing pre-owned luxury items, further driving up the demand and price of Chanel bags.
Finally, the escalating value of an authentic Chanel bag in the market is a testament to the brand’s enduring legacy, unmatched craftsmanship, strategic scarcity, and regular price hikes, coupled with a thriving luxury resale market. A Chanel bag today is seen not just as a style statement, but also a worthwhile investment.