British designer Christian Cowan is taking us back to the ’90 with his latest capsule collection featuring the legendary characters from children’s television series Teletubbies. The master of viral drops, Cowan set the social media on fire with his Doritos collab last February, and dressed Sam Smith in 300,000 pheasant feathers cape for their “I’m Not Here To Make Friends” music video. (Image courtesy of © Christian Cowan)
When deciding what our next collaboration would be, we were throwing around lots of pop culture icons, and then it struck us, let’s do THE icons. We treated Dipsy, Laa-Laa, Po & Tinkey-Winkey like the legends they are, shot in an Avedon-esque style, these garments tell the story of our four legendary characters, who have come to step on everyone’s necks and have autographed these pieces for their adoring fans.
– said the designer.
The Christian Cowan x Teletubbies exclusive capsule collection consists of brand’s classic styles featuring screen prints of Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po themselves in a 90’s inspired fashion campaign.
The collaboration is available online via Christian Cowan’s official website, with the prices ranging from $197 — $2,536 USD.