Balenciaga, the renowned Parisian fashion house, has introduced a striking metal version of its popular Hourglass XS Bag, presenting it in a gleaming brass build.
This new handbag isn’t just a metal-themed novelty; it carries the weight of approximately 2 pounds and holds onto the features that make the Hourglass design so distinctive, albeit in a metal finish.
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With its signature curves, handle, additional chain strap, and iconic B logo swinging on the flap, the Hourglass Metal XS maintains its classic silhouette. Though the exterior gleams with metallic sheen, the interior is lined with fine nappa lambskin.
From the creators of such luxurious items as $27K blue jeans and $2K leather waste bins, the price tag of $22,840 for the almost entirely metal Balenciaga handbag is simultaneously expected and astonishing.
For those willing and able to part with $22K, the metal Hourglass XS is now awaiting pre-orders in both gold and silver options on Balenciaga’s website, possibly leading to made-to-order brass variants.
If you think $22K is too much for a bag, the regular Hourglass bag is available at a more accessible price point and can be shopped at SSENSE.
Balenciaga’s latest creation seems to affirm that opulence knows no bounds. Whether paired with the brand’s recent one-of-a-kind Couture armor gown or as a standalone statement, the metal handbag is poised to become a memorable piece in the fashion world.