In a celebration of friendship and new beginnings, designer Sabato De Sarno orchestrates a heartwarming reunion for his GUCCI inaugural campaign, bringing together the influential figures he encountered at the outset of his journey. This heartfelt narrative unfolds at the historic Chateau Marmont hotel in Los Angeles, a locale that embodies the timeless elegance and understated luxury that is synonymous with the brand.
Capturing the essence of this new beginning is the acclaimed photographer, David Sims, whose artistic lens brings a touch of magic to each frame. His ability to encapsulate the raw emotion and subtle nuances of the campaign elevates the visual narrative to a work of art, painting a vivid tapestry that resonates with viewers on a profound level. The campaign is brought to life by the enigmatic presence of supermodel Daria Werbowy, a figure who embodies the spirit of the brand with her grace and timeless beauty. As the face of the Gucci Marina Chain jewelry collection designed Sabato De Sarno, she introduces the world to an archival motif that draws inspiration from the maritime world, offering a fresh perspective on a classic design.
Riccardo Zanola, the artistic director, curates a visual spectacle that seamlessly blends the old with the new, crafting a contemporary narrative that pays homage to the rich heritage of the brand. Adding a layer of artistry to the campaign are art directors Ezra Petronio and Lana Petrusevych, whose innovative approach and keen eye for detail set the stage for a visual masterpiece. Their collaborative efforts give birth to a campaign that transcends the confines of traditional advertising, offering instead a poetic glimpse into the brand’s evolving narrative. Completing the creative ensemble is stylist Alastair McKimm, whose expertise in fashion brings a cohesive and contemporary flair to the campaign.
Together, this powerhouse team crafts a campaign that is not just a celebration of a new beginning, but also a testament to the enduring power of friendship and collaboration, portraying a story that resonates with authenticity and heart. It is a glimpse into a future that honors the past, a seamless fusion of timeless elegance and modern innovation, encapsulating the very essence of the brand’s philosophy.