Lanvin, the world renowned luxury fashion house, has undergone significant leadership changes, marking a new era for the company. In an unexptected move, Joann Cheng, the founding Chairman and CEO of Lanvin Group, announced her departure to pursue new endeavors outside the group. This departure ushers in a new phase for the conglomerate that not only owns the Lanvin label but also houses other prestigious brands like Wolford, Sergio Rossi, St John Knits, and Caruso.
Eric Chan has taken the reins as the new CEO of Lanvin Group. With an impressive career spanning over 30 years, Chan brings a wealth of experience to the table. He has previously held senior roles at several prominent companies, including the Chinese luxury e-tailer Secoo Group, lifestyle brand operator K11 Concepts under Hong Kong New World Development Group, Wharf Group, CB Richard Ellis, Hong Kong MTR Corporation, and Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts Group. Chan’s extensive background in omnichannel shopping platforms, luxury commercial real estate projects, offices, and high-end hotels and resorts positions him uniquely to lead Lanvin Group in its next growth phase. The company has expressed confidence in his ability to spearhead retail expansion across North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
The group has also welcomed Huang Zhen as the new Chairman. Huang, a Director of Lanvin’s controlling shareholder Fosun Group, currently serves as Executive Director and Executive President at Fosun International. He has also held board roles and chairmanships at other listed consumer companies. Huang’s experience is anticipated to be invaluable as the group navigates its next growth phase and expands its global footprint.
Huang Zhen praised the new CEO’s “extensive real estate and consumer experience,” acknowledging its critical role in driving Lanvin Group’s growth. Eric Chan, in turn, expressed optimism about the future, noting significant opportunities ahead to build the company’s international presence.
Meanwhile, Joann Cheng reflected on her six-year tenure at Lanvin Group, describing it as some of the most fulfilling years of her career. Under her leadership, Lanvin Group transformed from an idea in 2017 into a listed company on the New York Stock Exchange, boasting a solid growth trajectory. Cheng highlighted the rejuvenation of the group’s portfolio of five world-class brands, each under new leadership, ready to ascend to the next level in the global luxury goods market. She expressed satisfaction in leaving the group with a clear creative direction and the necessary components for continued growth.
The recent successful launch of the first Lanvin Lab collection, the appointment of a new CEO at Sergio Rossi, and the imminent announcement of a new Creative Director at Lanvin are testaments to the solid foundation Cheng has laid for the group. Her departure comes at a time when Lanvin Group appears poised for a new chapter of innovation and expansion.
As the company bids farewell to Cheng, the board expressed its deep appreciation for her dedication and wished her the best in her future endeavors. With these leadership changes, Lanvin Group stands at the cusp of an exciting new phase, ready to solidify its position in the global luxury market. The new leadership, with their combined expertise and vision, is expected to drive the company towards greater heights, maintaining its esteemed legacy while adapting to the evolving demands of the luxury fashion industry.
Wow I’m not sure anyone expected this lanvin is actually doing well?
they are surely back on the map, i dont know what is the reason of the shakeup tho. |Sounds like the CEO moved on for personal reasons?