In an increasingly chaotic world filled with noise and haste, the latest collection from Simon Cracker titled ‘La nanna‘ offers a refreshing narrative that embraces a different state of mind. Inspired by the magical moment just before sleep, where the world blurs and consciousness drifts, this collection captures the essence of tranquility and introspection. Drawing inspiration from James Joyce‘s concept of the stream of consciousness, the garments are meticulously constructed and deconstructed using upcycling techniques. However, the designers emphasize that upcycling is merely a tool, not the end goal; the depth and complexity of the stories they weave through their fashion are what truly matter. Influenced by Banana Yoshimoto‘s 1989 book ‘Asleep,’ the collection views sleep as a powerful form of protection and self-care, reflected in a faded color palette achieved by dyeing already assembled garments, resulting in diverse shades and textures.
The visual language of ‘La nanna‘ is one of softness and subtlety, with the collection’s aesthetic echoing the gentle transition into sleep. The clothes bear a dusty or rain-wet appearance, achieved through the use of old opaque sequins and silvery paints, blurring the sharpness and adding a patina of time to each piece. This effect is particularly evident in the traditional men’s tailoring, a significant aspect of the brand. The collection also incorporates elements like pearls falling off felted fabrics and old bed sheets, reminiscent of moonlight, adding a poetic touch.
Collaborations play a crucial role in this collection, with Sue Clowes contributing her dreamy vision through hand-printed designs on the collection’s denim garments. This collaboration further enriches the narrative of the collection, infusing it with a sense of serenity and escape from the bustling world outside. The collection is a tribute to Simone and Filippo, whose dedication and vision have been integral to its creation.