In a bold move following Mickey Mouse’s entry into the public domain, director Steven LaMorte has announced a new horror film adaptation of the iconic 1928 animation, ‘Steamboat Willie’. Known for directing ‘The Mean One’, a horror remake of The Grinch, LaMorte is set to bring a unique and terrifying twist to this beloved character.
The film, potentially titled ‘Mickey Mouse’s Trap’, interweaves scenes from the original ‘Steamboat Willie’ animation with a contemporary horror narrative. It centers around Alex, who faces a nightmarish ordeal with her friends at an amusement arcade, terrorized by a killer in a Mickey Mouse costume. LaMorte aims to explore the dark potential beneath the character’s joyful exterior, promising a “twisted take” on the classic.
Jamie Bailey will direct the film, scheduled for production in spring 2024. The announcement comes as Disney’s copyright on the original versions of Mickey and Minnie Mouse expired, allowing for new creative interpretations. However, Disney still holds rights to the more modern versions of these characters and has expressed intentions to protect these copyrights vigorously.
LaMorte, alongside producers Steven Della Salla and Michael Leavy of ‘Terrifier 2’, and Amy Schumacher and Martine Melloul from ‘The Mean One’, are cautious to stay within legal boundaries. The film character will be known as ‘Steamboat Willie’ rather than ‘Mickey Mouse’, emphasizing its distinction from Disney’s trademarked versions.
This announcement follows the recent release of a trailer for ‘Mickey’s Mouse Trap’, another horror-comedy directed by Jamie Bailey, set in an amusement arcade. With no confirmed release date yet, the film is expected to debut around March.
LaMorte’s project is a vivid example of how filmmakers are reimagining public domain characters, showcasing them in new, often unexpected genres, while navigating the complex landscape of intellectual property rights.