In the continuation of his acclaimed “Portrait Of” series, renowned photographer Hedi Slimane presents new images of Ever Anderson, taken in New York in May 2024. This latest installment, under the CELINE banner, adds to Slimane’s extensive collection of portraits, which celebrate individuals from a wide array of creative fields, including musicians, artists, and actors. The series has garnered acclaim for its intimate and revealing portrayal of its subjects, offering a unique glimpse into the personalities of some of the most influential figures in contemporary culture.
Ever Anderson, the rising star who has already made a significant impact in the acting world, is the latest subject to be featured in Slimane’s ongoing project for CELINE. Anderson, known for her roles in major films and her distinct presence on screen, brings a fresh energy to the series. Slimane’s photographs of Anderson capture her in a series of candid and posed shots that highlight her natural charisma. The collaboration between Slimane and Anderson results in a compelling set of images that reflect the actress’s multifaceted persona.
Slimane’s “Portrait Of” series is renowned for its ability to transcend traditional portrait photography. Anderson’s inclusion in the CELINE “Portrait Of” series marks a significant moment in her burgeoning career. Being photographed by Hedi Slimane places her among a distinguished group of creatives who have been celebrated for their contributions to their respective fields. The collaboration is a testament to Anderson’s growing influence and her potential to leave a lasting mark on the industry. Slimane’s portrayal of Anderson not only captures her current status as a rising star but also hints at her future potential and the impact she is poised to make.
As Hedi Slimane continues to expand his CELINE “Portrait Of” series, each new addition brings a fresh perspective and a new layer of depth to the project. With each portrait, Slimane continues to push the boundaries of photography, creating images that resonate with authenticity.
celine is a mood right now!
i want that celine baseball cap!
the only good thing in the collection