The SS25 collection from CALCATERRA, titled “Connessioni,” is an exploration of humanity’s intrinsic connection to the natural world. The concept revolves around being part of a perfect biological system, where cycles of renewal echo through every season. This theme of eternal and vital connection serves as the collection’s foundation, with its designs evoking the natural passage of time.
CALCATERRA’s vision is tied to the four elements: Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. Each element manifests in the collection through shapes, volumes, and colors that range from the fiery intensity of deep reds to the lightest, most ethereal whites. Nature is reflected in every piece, with fabrics like organza silks, cold-dyed cottons, and fil coupé mirroring the dynamic beauty of the natural world. A standout piece, the blood-red dress with hand-woven silk chiffon fringes, captures the movement of wind and the vivid hues of sunsets, making it one of the collection’s defining looks.
The essence of lightness is integrated throughout the collection, both literally and figuratively. Volumes expand and contract, creating a sense of protection and comfort, as if enveloping the wearer in an ecosystem all their own. CALCATERRA challenges traditional tailoring, particularly in its approach to trousers, which abandon pockets and seams in favor of fluid, natural drapes. These fabrics cling to the body in a way reminiscent of Josephine Baker’s iconic looks, embodying freedom and movement in their purest forms.
CALCATERRA’s use of organic fabrics and natural dyes speaks to a growing urgency to create fashion in harmony with the environment. The craftsmanship reflects an attention to detail that is as much about sustainability as it is about style. Every piece feels deliberate, as if it emerged naturally from the earth rather than the atelier.
By grounding its designs in the fundamental elements and crafting each piece with deliberate attention to nature’s cycles, the collection offers a thoughtful response to the fast-paced, often wasteful practices of the industry. It redefines luxury not through extravagance, but through simplicity, sustainability, and a deep respect for organic processes.
View the collection in the Gallery below: