Zara is joining forces with renowned designer Stefano Pilati to launch an exclusive coed capsule collection. Known for his impeccable style and innovative approach to fashion, Pilati will bring his personal flair to the high-street brand with a range of about 50 styles for men and 30 for women, along with shoes and bags. This collaboration is set to hit stores in early October, accompanied by a campaign shot by the legendary photographer Steven Meisel, it is reported by WWD.
Stefano Pilati, celebrated for his previous roles at Yves Saint Laurent and Ermenegildo Zegna, currently focuses on his gender-fluid label, Random Identities. Pilati’s unique blend of elegance and avant-garde aesthetics has not only made him a favorite in fashion circles but also an unexpected style icon for the younger generation.
This collaboration marks a significant moment for Pilati, as it will be the first time he designs a collection largely based on his own wardrobe preferences. Pilati’s commitment to quality is evident in his meticulous choice of fabrics and attention to fit, which aligns seamlessly with Zara’s capability to produce high-quality fashion at accessible prices. His deep connection with Zara has been strengthened over the years through a strong rapport with Marta Ortega Pérez, non-executive chair of Zara’s parent company Inditex, and visits to Zara’s headquarters in Arteixo, Spain.
Zara’s collaboration with Pilati follows the brand’s ongoing strategy of partnering with distinctive fashion personalities and niche cultural phenomena to elevate its image. Previous collaborations have included figures like Steven Meisel and Charlotte Gainsbourg, pop culture icons such as Barbie and “Stranger Things,” and sustainable ventures with companies like Circ and LanzaTech.
With this new collection, Pilati brings his vision of “effortless luxury” to a wider audience, merging his passion for refined tailoring with Zara’s commitment to modern, accessible fashion. Fashion enthusiasts can look forward to a collection that celebrates both timeless elegance and contemporary edge, reflecting Pilati’s profound influence on the fashion industry.