Saint Laurent, under the creative direction of Anthony Vaccarello, presents its latest artistic endeavor, “As Time Goes By,” a series of short films directed by Nadia Lee Cohen. Drawing inspiration from Marcel Proust‘s renowned novel, “In Search of Lost Time,” the project explores themes of memory, love, and the passage of time. With a cast that includes Charlotte Gainsbourg, John Waters, Chloë Sevigny, Addison Rae, Joey King, Travis Bennett, and Cooper Koch, the films bring together an eclectic mix of talent to interpret Proust’s evocative narratives.
The collaboration between Vaccarello and Cohen captures the essence of Proust’s work with a distinctive auteurist vision, infusing each scene with an ironic twist. The collection of films offers a contemporary reinterpretation of Proust’s meditations on memory and the fleeting nature of time, channeling the narrative through a highly stylized lens.
The short films focus on recurring themes from Proust’s writing, including love, togetherness, desire, dreaming, and the elusive nature of time and memory. Set against the evocative backdrop of the seasons, each vignette explores how these emotions intertwine to shape individual identity. The characters move through their stories as if traveling through different states of time, blending the past and present into a seamless visual experience.
Anthony Vaccarello’s direction for this project pays homage to both Proust’s literary legacy and Monsieur Saint Laurent’s favorite book, using fashion as a medium to translate complex emotional themes. The films, rich in visual symbolism, blend classic Saint Laurent aesthetics with contemporary elements, resulting in a juxtaposition of old and new, classic and modern.
The casting choices add a unique edge to the project, with each actor embodying distinct aspects of Proustian reflection. Charlotte Gainsbourg and Chloë Sevigny, both long associated with sophisticated and edgy roles, are joined by cultural icons like John Waters and rising stars such as Addison Rae and Joey King. This eclectic ensemble brings varied interpretations to the themes of the films, unifying different eras and styles into a cohesive artistic vision. By revisiting Proust’s themes in a modern context, Saint Laurent offers a fresh take on how the past can continue to influence and inspire the present.