Fashion house McQueen explores profound themes of belonging, change, and the optimism that comes with new beginnings in its 2025 Lunar New Year campaign. Set against the backdrop of a vast cityscape, the story unfolds on Lunar New Year’s Eve, where urban streets, overpasses, and the shimmering skyline come to life through the journeys of its protagonists. Actor Zhang Youhao, alongside a diverse ensemble, portrays transient figures who navigate the intersection of past memories and future aspirations.
The visual narrative is one of contrasts: individuals in motion, some rushing toward their futures while others take a more contemplative, reflective approach. The city’s streets, alive with history and change, mirror the inner lives of these characters, each carrying their own hopes as they move from night into the dawn of a new year. This journey is symbolic of the broader human experience – the pull of the past, the uncertainty of the future, and the ever-present quest for identity and connection.
Through this exploration, McQueen integrates its Spring Summer 2025 Pre-Collection into the storyline. The T-bar Sling bag, with its distinctive buckle, evolves from a simple accessory to a symbol of the characters’ journey. Its practicality contrasts with the fluidity of their paths, reflecting both purpose and spontaneity. The bags, worn across different settings and situations, act as companions in the quest for something deeper than mere destination.
The campaign also showcases the Flexion sneakers, which embody the campaign’s essence of movement and versatility. With their sleek, ergonomic design, these shoes are offered in seasonal shades of burgundy, orange, and crisp white, accentuating the characters’ varied journeys through the urban environment. The rich hues echo the vibrancy of the city, with its energy and evolving rhythms.
At its core, the McQueen 2025 Lunar New Year campaign is a meditation on the human experience of change. The characters’ journeys through the city symbolize the uncertainty of new beginnings and the courage to embrace them. This evocative portrayal of personal transformation resonates with the Lunar New Year’s spirit of renewal, making McQueen’s campaign a powerful ode to hope, resilience, and the ever-evolving urban landscape.