Discover Louis Gabriel Nouchi‘s Spring Summer 2019 menswear collection presented during the ongoing Paris Fashion Week. The collection was inspired by Yukio Mishima’s book The Temple of The Golden Pavilion – a true story from the 2nd world war about a monk, who was so obsessed by the beauty of the Golden Pavilion temple that he burned it down.
“The loose cuts reminiscent of the kimonos, enveloping the body to reveal the sensuality of the space between the skin and the fabric becomes a zone of mysterious, sublimated by the movement. Gold silks, precious and delicate, are counterbalanced by aggressive treatments on denim or jersey materials, such as bleaching or overdyed fabric.
A selection of activewear, made in collaboration with Damart combines sensitivity and functionality. Offering a contemporary wardrobe, highlighting the relationship between the body and sportswear.“
*Images by: Arnel de la Gente for