Discover Miu Miu‘s Fall Winter 2019.20 advertising campaign featuring models Hailey Bieber, Adut Akech, Jean Campbell, Abby Champion, Tang He, Meghan Roche and Aliet Sarah captured by fashion photographer Eddie Wrey. In charge of styling and art direction was Katie Grand.

“An interconnected group on a journey of discovery – of different places, of different selves. The Fall/Winter 2019 Miu Miu advertising campaign is powered by an exploration of youth and the great outdoors. It is about a dynamic sense of adventure and freedom, of wanderlust, a search for new experience.

Still and moving images by Eddie Wrey chart these women as they roam through the Paws Up ranch, deep in the Montana state countryside – but the imagery speaks in the plural, unfettered by limitations and boundaries. It is a universal landscape of open skies, wide horizons, infinite possibilities – of idyllic landscapes and elysian fields, of immersion in nature and strength in numbers. Camouflaged in camouflage, laid against rural panoramas of field and forest illuminated by the first blush of summer, these pictures express a yearning for escape, a turn to the natural, a freedom.“

For more of the campaign continue below:

Photography © Eddie Wrey for MIU MIU