A handbag is a fashion essential in every woman’s closet. It’s the one accessory that can be paired with different outfits. A designer handbag is a wise investment that is less tied to trends as compared to other fashion items such as clothes and shoes. A Celine bag, for instance, is as a result of detailed craftsmanship using the best materials hence deserves to be treated with the utmost care.
With the busy schedules that face the modern woman, it sometimes tends to be tricky to keep a keen eye on the handbag. It’s only at the end of the day that most ladies discover that their bags have damaged exteriors, marked lining and worn-out corners. Below are simple tips that one can follow to ensure that their hefty investment is worth their while;
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A good quality handbag can cost a fortune but it’s worth every penny. If well taken care of, a designer bag can maintain its lustre and shape for a very long time. Most women, however, toss their bags in a careless heap at the top or bottom of their closet. This makes the bag crumble, lose its shape and transfer color from one bag to another. A leather handbag should be stored in an upright position and preferably stuffed with scarves, bubble wrap or a cotton pillowcase to preserve the shape. Cross the handles over each other during storage to avoid any accidental scuffs.
Designer luxury bags come in a dust bag and it’s for good reason. Dustbags prevent the build-up of dirt and dust especially when the bag isn’t in use. If the dust bag is lost or misplaced, an old cotton scarf can come in handy. Never store the bag in plastic as it traps moisture inside causing the leather to swell and encourage mildew growth.
The inner lining of a luxury handbag needs to be well taken care of and kept clean. This can be a challenge due to the many items that the bag stores from wallets, cash, keys and makeup. A pouch can come in handy in storing makeup and liquid cosmetics to prevent spills and keep the bag organized. A small stationary bag can also be useful to avoid the dreaded ink leaks from pens.
Regular cleaning of your favorite handbag is a must. For a simple wipe-down, a damp cloth is good enough to clean the outside of the bag. However, a leather bag needs a thorough clean by a professional every 2-3 months or when the bag gets some serious stains beyond your regular cleaning. Specialists use leather protection cream that prevents the leather from drying and cracking. The cream also conditions and protects your bag from stains. Avoid pairing light colored handbags with new denim jeans or jackets. Dye transfers are one of the toughest stains to remove even for specialists.
Whether at home, work or in their cars, women tend to place their bags on the floor. This causes the bag to scuffle at the edges and base of the bag. If a bag doesn’t have metal feet at the bottom, it’s wise to have them installed as the feet protect the bag from scratches and dirt. Always keep the leather handbag away from direct sunlight and heaters to prevent the color from fading and damaging the leather.
Most restaurants and conference rooms have the provision of handbag hooks below the tables where handbags can be hung. This is quite useful to prevent bags from sitting on grubby dirty floors. Alternatively, one can opt to carry small clutches that can be easily placed on the table or behind you in the chair.