Bottega Veneta has announced that its creative director Daniel Lee will leave after three years at the helm of the house. Lee joined the Milan based brand in July 2018. “He brought new energy to the house and greatly contributed to the new momentum that Bottega Veneta is enjoying today.” – the group said in a statement.
My time at Bottega Veneta has been an incredible experience. I am grateful to have worked with an exceptional and talented team and I am forever thankful to everyone who was part of creating our vision. Thank you to Francois-Henri Pinault for his support, and for the opportunity to be part of Bottega Veneta’s story.
– Daniel Lee said in a statement.
During his time at Bottega Veneta, the fashion house introduced a number of statement pieces such as padded sandals, Cassette bag, mini clutch, woven-leather sandals and square-toed pumps.
I am very grateful to Daniel for having brought his passion and energy to Bottega Veneta. His singular vision made the house’s heritage relevant for today and put it back to the center of the fashion scene. I would like to personally thank him for the unique chapter that he has written in the long history of Bottega Veneta.
– said François-Henri Pinault, chairman and CEO of Kering.
Prior to his creative director role at Bottega Veneta, he worked under Phoebe Philo at Céline as a head of ready-to-wear.
The brand said Lee’s replacement will be announced soon.