The Brooklyn-based art collective MSCHF‘s footwear-focused sub-label, MSCHF Sneakers, doesn’t always make sneakers. Yes, many of its most well-known works have what at first glance appear to be pretty traditional designs, but clever crafting elevates them to new heights. The most recent and best illustration of this is MSCHF’s large, red boots, which stretch the bounds of the company’s whole body of work, if not the very definition of the word “sneakers.” These comfortable boots scarcely resemble what we may refer to as a “sneaker,” much like MSCHF’s controversial AC.1 walking boot. We’re guessing the inspiration for these ones came from Astro Boy or Dora the Explorer, but the brand hasn’t really spoken about the thought process behind this already viral boots. The MSCHF Big Red Boots are set to release on February 16, exclusively via the MSCHF website and Sneakers app with the price of 350$. Would you wear them?

The Brooklyn-based art collective MSCHF‘s footwear-focused sub-label, MSCHF Sneakers, doesn’t always make sneakers. Yes, many of its most well-known works have what at first glance appear to be pretty traditional designs, but clever crafting elevates them to new heights. The most recent and best illustration of this is MSCHF’s large, red boots, which stretch the bounds of the company’s whole body of work, if not the very definition of the word “sneakers.” These comfortable boots scarcely resemble what we may refer to as a “sneaker,” much like MSCHF’s controversial AC.1 walking boot. We’re guessing the inspiration for these ones came from Astro Boy or Dora the Explorer, but the brand hasn’t really spoken about the thought process behind this already viral boots. The MSCHF Big Red Boots are set to release on February 16, exclusively via the MSCHF website and Sneakers app with the price of 350$. Would you wear them?