Natural cleaners are often forgotten, today, most households use ready-to-use cleaning solutions in their everyday life. They are convenient, easy-to-use, and quite affordable. But when it comes to safety, most of the popular shop-bought household cleaners cannot compete with their environmentally friendly homemade counterparts.
If you’re really concerned about the contents of your detergent bottle, you may want to explore more eco-friendly options. Modern market is overflowing with organic offerings. Manufacturers tout their biodegradable formulas and certified natural ingredients that make their cleaning products safe to use in any home. Still, if you want to be 100% sure that the products you’re using are totally safe to the environment and hypoallergenic, turn to some recognizable home staples known for their cleaning and disinfecting properties. Below are the three best naturally derived ingredients that can help you keep your home spick and span without harming the environment and your health.
#1 Vinegar
It would be criminal not to mention this ingredient on today’s list of natural cleaners. Not only does it serve as a multipurpose cleaning agent but is also famed for its fungicide and antibacterial properties. It is ideal for tackling grime, glue stains, and mineral deposits. Vinegar can go a long way towards helping you dissolve ingrained grease, stubborn soap scum, and mildew, especially if used undiluted. And for tougher cleaning jobs that your vinegar solution can’t handle, you can always contact Manchester cleaners.
To prepare a multi purpose vinegar spray, fill the bottle with half vinegar and half water. You can use the resulting solution to spruce up and disinfect your countertops, glass surfaces, door knobs, ceramic hobs, etc. If you combine two tablespoons of vinegar with a spoonful of coarse sea salt, you can use this mixture to effectively remove calcium build-up on faucets, showerheads, and fixtures. It’s also great for removing pesky hard water stains and limescale. If you want to quickly get rid of unpleasant fabric scent and remove odors from kitchen appliances and countertops.
#2 Baking Soda
Baking soda can also work miracles when it comes to sprucing your home. This non-toxic and eco-friendly ingredient is just indispensable for all cleaning purposes. Baking soda is known for its mild abrasive properties, meaning you can safely use it to eliminate dirt and grease even from delicate surfaces. It contains alkali that reacts with water and makes it easier to break down ingrained grime, soap scrum, and stubborn stains from taps, fixtures, tiles, etc. If you’re looking for a safe and powerful oven cleaner, you can’t go wrong with baking soda. It will help you absorb the excess oil and thus degrease the surface. Sprinkle some baking soda over the warm oven floor, add some water to achieve a paste-like consistency, and let the mixture sit there for 20-30 minutes. This way, you’ll be able to remove baked-on grease without having to scrub your oven violently. Combine some baking soda with vinegar and watch this duo clear and deodorize your clogged drain. The same combination can be used to remove toilet scum and rings. Simply pour a cup of baking soda down the toilet bowl and add two cups of undiluted vinegar. Allow it to work for a couple hours and then scrub the problem areas as you normally would.
Baking soda is also great for eliminating lingering food odors. Consider putting a small bowl of baking soda into your fridge or microwave and you’ll forget about unpleasant odors.
#3 Castile Soap
Another versatile ingredient you should definitely have in your cupboard is castile soap. Unlike other soaps that come packed with harsh surfactants, this type of soap is hypoallergenic, non-toxic, and considerably gentler on delicate surfaces. If you care about the environment and the quality of your indoor air, castile soap can be your best bet.
To make an organic DIY all-purpose cleaning spray, you will need a tablespoon of fragrance-free castile soap and about 200 ml of distilled water. You can use this solution on plastic, ceramic, metal, and finished wood surfaces. It’s ideal for tackling your cabinets, countertops, appliances, tubs, sinks, toilets, and more. Greasy and dirty stains on linoleum and laminate floors can also be easily eliminated with the help of castile soap. Three litters of warm water, a generous squeeze of liquid castile soap, and one-fourth cup of vinegar will make your floors sparkling clean again. For a dishwashing liquid, combine four parts castile soap to one part water. To boost its cleaning power even more, consider adding some baking soda to your mixture and then pour it into a soap dispenser.
Therefore, make sure to stock up on vinegar, baking soda, and castile soap, as from now on, they’ll be your first go-to for 90% of cleaning and disinfecting jobs around the home.